Wednesday, April 29, 2009


During the course of this school year I have engaged in the traditional practice of being a pen pal with a student named Nick from Oak Hill Elementary. It's this kind of activity that brings an excitement and enthusiasm to writing. A young student like Nick gets to write a letter to someone from a distance just to wait for the arrival of a response. Now, imagine what happens when a student sees his own letter published with a published response. Read below to see what Nick wrote to me in his last letter of the school year.

Dear Dr. Jordahl,

Thank you for being my pen pal - it was awesome! It was fun writing to you. I hope it was fun writing to me. In school we had a concert. We are doing poems like acrostic and color an autobiographical. We are also doing magnets.
For Easter I might be going to Pipestone or staying here. I have a hockey tournament, but I forgot where it is at. I tried out for the Flames Hockey and I got invited to the Grizzly's - another Hockey team for the flames. I'm going to Woodbury for this. I went to Mexico for spring break.



Well, I thought I would do something special this time by replying to Nick in a blog - a truly published reply along with his now published letter. So, here it is:

Dear Nick,

I have really enjoyed being your pen pal during this school year. First of all, I have been so impressed with your writing and how much you have learned and improved during the course of this school year.

I have also enjoyed getting to know you and your hobbies and all the activities that keep you busy. I've heard about your vacation trips with your family and the trips you have had to take because of hockey. I have heard about your school experiences related to learning and activities. I am so proud as a superintendent that my students are having the positive experiences that you have had.

I can only imagine that your trip to Mexico was really fun. I remember going on trips with my parents when I grew up, and those trips were some of the best memories of my life. I don't have any trips planned for the near future, but as you know, I will be going back to Italy sometime this next year. I always enjoy going there, and my wife has been there during these last two months. In fact, she is coming home tonight.

I should also tell you that I had the pleasure of meeting your mom at an Oak Hill meeting last week. Meeting her was very special because she was able to share that you have really enjoyed this pen pal relationship. I hope that this last month of school for the 2008-2009 school year will be as good as the first 8 months.


Dr. Jordahl