Monday, April 27, 2009


A blog is short for web log. It’s a way to communicate information much like journaling thoughts and ways to express feelings; this sounds like a diary of sorts, but it can be so much more. Imagine regular use of this in the classroom as students publish their journals and creative writing. Even communication from the teacher about field trips, calendars, classroom guidelines and more is enhanced when teachers blog. Even so, this way of communication is really enhancing the classroom (especially at the elementary level).

I have included a video below for those interested in having students blog; there are several reasons for doing so. This could be another way for students to write and publish, but look below for other ways to use a blog:

□ creative writing, poetry, short stories, and etc.
□ class newspaper
□ post interviews
□ information about family history and traditions
□ reflections on lessons taught
□ post steps to math problems solved
□ post solutions to math problems
□ illustrate how math concepts are used in everyday life
□ book reviews (example – KWL)
□ story boards, timelines, and etc.
□ vacation trips (add Google Earth/Google Map)
□ showcase individual art projects throughout the year
□ post famous art works with characteristics of each
□ a digital camera for pictures of work displayed
□ music – pictures of instruments, music, history, and etc.
□ material on thematic units you study throughout the year
□ Link to videos, podcasts and websites to encourage extended learning
□ record narrations of their favorite stories (create sound files)
□ science fair projects journal
□ collect data on science experiments
□ create spreadsheets, graphs, charts, and etc.
□ list class hypotheses before science experiment
□ results posted and compared to initial hypotheses
□ communicate same type info – globally (enhance culturally awareness)

Be creative and have fun…plus, parents see the work immediately.