Thursday, February 3, 2011

School Board Practices (part 3 of 17): Shaping Governance for Success

Part 3 of 17

Be Ready for the Societal Demand
Traditionally, school boards have focused their responsibility on policy setting and overseeing the administration of the school. But now society demands leadership from school boards in the areas of visioning, establishing the mission, setting goals, holding the administration accountable to those goals, and making decisions based on data. The school board needs to create a shared vision of what the community’s educational system should achieve.

The school board should create an environment designed to ensure that all students have an opportunity to attain their maximum potential. This allows for employing a superintendent that fits the district’s needs. The school board should monitor student achievement and keep the public informed of educational progress. They should expand opportunities, seek support from the community, celebrate the learning and achievements of their students, and promote school board service. They can find success in doing this as long as they hire a qualified superintendent who can carry out the mission, mold a learning culture, and hold all accountable while they themselves are being held accountable by the board.