Friday, October 30, 2009

SCHOOL CALENDAR – 2010-2011 and 2011-2012

Discussion was held whether or not to incorporate a spring break in upcoming school calendars. A survey of other districts outside of the metro area that have four-year institutes varied in responses with regard to whether or not they have a spring break and if they coincide with their area college/university. The after Labor Day start was also a determining factor for some districts.

Spring break is a time when we could be doing a lot of academic programming. Families seem to take vacations at various times of year, not necessarily when spring break is scheduled. Students of poverty are sometimes home alone during spring break. With discretionary days available for staff, spring break seems to have become less valuable.

I would like to pursue, with the Legislature, a before-Labor Day start. A District would have to give a specific reason to start before Labor Day. It was noted that MnSCU Colleges/Universities all have the same start date, as well as break dates. Perhaps communities located in greater Minnesota next to MnSCU institutions and other post high school institutions could benefit in their partnerships if we maintained similar calendars.

Members will be invited to draft calendars for the upcoming two years. A meeting will be scheduled soon, with a goal of having calendars completed by January/February.

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