Thursday, September 10, 2009


We must be successful in schools to educate all children so that they are prepared to be actively engaged citizens who are productive members of society. We must do this by setting high expectations for everyone and then helping students recognize how this will impact their future. We must embrace and use all the data we can to focus on individual students, and then continuously examine how we can be more successful; we must embrace accountability. We must focus our decisions on what is best for children. We must guide them to the realization that getting a great education is the greatest resource they have for a successful future. We must partner with as many people in our communities as possible. We must provide optimal learning time for struggling students. We must create an atmosphere where everyone treats everyone with respect. We must have the leadership that can make courageous decisions because doing what is right isn't always easy. We must create time for teachers to meet and discuss better ways to meet the needs of their diverse learners. We must value professional growth and realize that most of the needed resources to improve can be done in the system that we are in. We must have adults that believe that all students can perform at a rigorous level. We must believe.