Friday, September 11, 2009

Value Everyone's Contributions

I value excellence by everyone. I want us to pursue the highest standards while being accountable to each other in all we do. We need to be student-centered in our planning while looking for opportunities to maximize success. To do so, we are going to have to act courageously, fulfilling our responsibilities to engage in the decision-making process. We can be successful when we partner, but not without the trust we need to have in each other as (we all want to be successful, and success is measured by the success of all students we impact). I'm honest when I say, "I recognize and value the contributions of our entire staff." I must believe, as each of us must, that we can accomplish our vision if we live out our mission and allow our core values and strategic directions to drive our words and actions.

I've been working on a new agenda format for meetings. This agenda will post the mission and core values, and the agenda items will always fall within one or more of the strategic directions. Doing this will align our actions so that we stay focused on the Road Map and Scorecards. I'm hoping that each building will use this format or something like it. I BELIEVE we can make a difference, but we can't unless we work together as partners to carry/support one another. We have an opportunity to make this year a great adventure...together!

So, let's work together, pay attention to each other and contribute to the success of the team. When we work together we can lean on each other, be pulled up when we need help, and pick each other up when we may be struggling.

Notice that the first paragraph above is simply our own core values. Let's model them for everyone in the system.