Saturday, August 8, 2009

Being Strategic: We Must Rely on Data

The St. Cloud Area School District has worked to develop a draft Road Map that defines our Mission, Vision, Core Values and the Strategic Directions that will get us to our vision. The Strategic Road Map was developed with community input, and the Board's next step is to determine what level of public input they believe is needed for its refinement and approval.

The strategic directions are:
A. Developing & implementing instructional district practices focused on diverse student needs
B. Increasing our means by 20% & manage well within that
C. Changing, aligning systems & structures to move towards our vision
D. Developing partnership processes & capacity to address the we/they
E. Developing a clear & effective District 742 “brand”

Each of these has measures, weights, and etc. to determine our progress. For example, to measure letter "A" above, we have assessments in place such as the MCA II's, the NWEA MAP tests, GOM's, the PLAN, the BASIC, the ACT's, and etc. Each of these measures has assigned weights to determine the level of importance to the whole direction.

I realize that the above paragraph may be complex, but it illustrates the complexity of the measurement of student achievement and the district's assignment to respond to these measures. We are doing the same for each strategic direction by using measurements that we already have in place. By aligning our system in this way, we will be able to more effectively and efficiently use the data to diagnose student learning so that we can respond with teaching strategies that call for us to differentiate our instruction.

We must be data-driven to be successful.