Thursday, June 25, 2009

Talahi Community School: Celebrations

The month of January was designated as Fact Power Month, and included fact drills, timed practices, and assessments in classrooms to monitor student progress in math. A school-wide at home reading program called “P.A.K.R.A.T.” ensured that every student left school each day (Monday-Thursday) with a book to read and share with his/her family. Talahi had three school-wide reading celebrations to recognize their success as a school. The first celebration honored
Dr. Suess’s Birthday and featured Teachers’ Readers’ Theater and Words of Wisdom from Dr. Suess performed at every grade level; the second celebration was in April, the Month of Poetry, which included students’ performing Readers Teacher and poetry; and the final celebration took place at the end of the school year where students presented the PTA with a check for funds raised through a Penny-a-Page, Nickel-a-Night, or Dime-a-Time READ-A-THON. From April 15th to May 15th, Talahi students read enough books to raise 63 pounds of coins. A Family Reading Night and Family Math Night were open to all students and their families and were designed to bring parents and students into the school for academically based family activities.