Tuesday, February 23, 2010


On February 17, 2010, community representatives, board members and staff met to dialogue about the traits desired in children after 12 years of public school education.

Intellectual traits included the ability to problem solve, find information, use technology and other learning tools to locate information and communicate with one another. Intellectual skill in literacy and numeracy ranked high. The pursuit of intellect will require creativity and imagination and lifelong learning must be founded upon a love of learning. Knowledge of the career investigation process throughout life, was also listed as an important lifelong skill. Utilizing information as a foundation for making and evaluating decisions, managing time and money are important prerequisites for learning to deal with new and different experiences.

Social-emotional traits included confidence, ability to get along with others, ability to be a team player, communicate. Being able to self-regulate emotions through resourcefulness and coping skills were important foundational skills in developing a vision of aspiring to be the best.

Moral and civic outcomes include a well-developed sense of service, knowing the right thing to do and having a shared vision of equity and global dependence. Pride in one’s history and a “new image of equality” are critical assets in one’s ability to positively contribute to “community.” Effective citizens, who are able to work with others, have empathy toward others and the ability to work with change will also require curiosity and perseverance to thrive and find joy in living.

Opportunities was a key theme, and although not necessarily an “outcome,” the best opportunities to learn intellectually, socially, physically and emotionally, would hopefully result in the outcomes listed in the above paragraphs. Involving the community is essential in providing opportunities.

Continued c0nversations led to dialog about what we need to consider, continue and stop doing to find ourselves successful with the above collective thoughts.

Our schools should continue:
Teaching and learning strategies:
· Using our data to make teaching/learning decisions
· Jumpstart
· RtI (Response to Intervention and Instruction)
· All Day Every Day Kindergarten
· Stretching the school day/school year/instructional time
· Equity Data Retreats

Resources and Research
· Enhancing all of the positives that are being given
· Celebrating students who are succeeding
· High expectations for all children
· Valuing what children bring to school
· High expectations for all
· Leveraging resources from the community (e.g., Madison Friday classes for Somali families; PAKRAT)
· Authentic relationships
· Cultural Navigators
· Listening to the community

Our schools should consider:
Teaching/Learning Strategies:
· Making sure every child is successful
· Helping children discover their gifts
· Increased strategies to give every student hope
· Stay the course and “turnaround” our schools
· Stretching instructional time
· Taking action on the desired effect, consequences and interventions for drop outs
· “Beefing up Community Education with the highest level of Adult Basic Education/GED
Professional Development and Research
· Study academically successful schools
· Identifying “what’s working” elsewhere; identify best practices and for whom
· Making a commitment to research
· Bringing Geoffrey Canada to St. Cloud
· Recognizing teachers who have great successes
· Longer Jumpstart Program (English Immersion)
· Increasing early childhood programs (all children)
· Offering parent education for men and women
· Having Somali literacy classes for adults
· Improving connections
· Developing a stronger role for the community
· Engaging more with the community through community conversations regarding race
· Focusing on families for conversations about racism and differences
· Model parent conversations through ECFE programs and classroom teachers
· Really listening to each other (community/parents/ school board/ teachers)
· Helping community understand what is at stake if we don’t turn it around
· Strengthening our commitment to district goals and the Strategic Roadmap
· Hiring more teachers of color
· Searching for more resources
· Having student focus groups
· Recognize Equity Services
· Research gender impact on learning….read Boys Adrift
· Increasing pressure on teachers for children to perform

Our schools must stop:
· Making excuses about our role as educators
· Blaming others
· Making racist comments
· Silencing community members, who in turn, feel discredited and dismissed
· High Stakes Tests and resulting tension