Thursday, December 10, 2009


We are in the second year of working together as an administrative team to align our work as a School District with our Mission, Core Values and Strategic Directions. As administrators of the School District, we are working diligently to deliver on our vision to achieve excellence in teaching, learning and engagement assuring success for all of our students.

To develop our capacity as a leadership team we are seeking feedback from all staff members to assist us in goal setting and planning our work toward continuous improvement. We want staff members' perspectives, and feedback is critical to our ability to reach our vision. We began our district wide feedback process last spring by gathering information from all administrators regarding my performance as Superintendent. I used that feedback to set my goals for this school year. Next, we will be gathering feedback regarding the performance of executive directors and building administrators.

I want all staff members in our buildings, in the coming months, to develop constructive feedback regarding the performance of their administrator(s). The meeting will be focused and facilitated by the Executive Director of Human Resources. The feedback will be used by the to guide their administrative growth and development.

We will begin meeting with staff in all buildings beginning in January. Administrators will be selecting a time before or after school that will allow as many staff members as possible to attend and participate in this process. This is a voluntary process, but I strongly encourage all employees to attend and share their perspective at the buildings where they are assigned.